Does this board meltdown if we get Karlsson at 50%?
The site melts down when 4th round picks are traded.Does this board meltdown if we get Karlsson at 50%?
Rantanen is a luxury, the Panthers have a structured the team with great manageable contracts for the near future, Why throw it all the way because of a single player that might just score a few extra goals than what we have?, Zito is more astute than this, Samo and Bennett are players that should remain in the system and he is not going to give them away for a rental, that is insane.People are really discussing trading Swaggy here ?
People also want Rantanen and his 12M+ asks when our GM is known to understand how to allocate your dollars in a salary-cap world…
People are strange, or should I say stupid. Some people don’t understand the sports, and even less so the business side of it.
Trading Swaggy pfffffffffffff…
I’m out.
Schmitd remains me of Vatrano, not a flashy guy but you will only know he was playing when he scored.Schmidt is too underrated on here.
Bob said Rantanen would strongly consider Florida and Toronto in free agency.
Rantanen to Dallas sounds done. Thank f*** for last year lol banners hang forever. Dallas looks insane and Seguin's ready for game 1 too.
Rantanen to Dallas sounds done. Thank f*** for last year lol banners hang forever. Dallas looks insane and Seguin's ready for game 1 too.