I think Walker should be moved if possible. Way too much talent on the right side now. Walker's game was already downtrending as well.
I think they need to show Roy video of his 140 shots (only scored one, when he was close to the net and that was good) and that 139 of them
he was like a robot, that instantly and automatically shot a 0.0000% percentage shot, averaging 62 mph from an average of 52 feet from the goal. The video will show on all 139 shots, that he had tunnel vision and did not once notice that 85% of the time, he had a good pass option of an open teammate.
Out of 139 of these shots, all were easily stopped by the goalie and there were probably less than 5 rebounds. These 139 instances, the play would have continued, by passing to an open teammate - and every one of them had more talent to do something better.
Yes, this has nothing to do with the solid defense he plays and his value to the team. But he's killed more offense, than anyone on the team,
by almost 100% of the time he gets the puck, he chooses this as his #1 option and almost has a 100% failure rate.
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