I’ve seen the Torkelson idea thrown around by some Pirates fans that I’ve been very dismissive of, but I’ve been musing on that idea and I think I may have come around to it. The obvious role is for him as a righty platoon for Horwitz, since Torkelson has hit lefties well in his MLB career (.798 OPS last year and .767 OPS career against lefties). But there’s also some options there with Horwitz playing 2B as well, so you have the ability to get Torkelson in against righties if his play warrants it. Horwitz being able to play at least passable 2B defense and Gonzales being able to play at least passable SS defense makes the idea more intriguing and gives Torkelson a potentially larger role than pure 1B righty platoon.
I think you can fairly easily rationalize just doing Davis for Torkelson with the idea of it being a reclamation project swap.