Phoenix LXII: Abandon Hope all Ye Who Enter Here

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Registered User
Oct 14, 2012
My Gawd, this is like some kind of soap never ends it just gets weirder, yet I have to watch long did "As the World Turns" run for? I think it has a competitor.
Lawyers, bad business deals, shady characters, con men, hit men, pretenders, contenders, Evil outside influences, participants who flip allegiances, millionaires, paupers, partisans, politics, media, bankruptcies, money, no money, owned and disowned...all we are missing is an illegitimate baby......maybe that is yet to be revealed...

This is just over the top already...but I can't stop tuning in...the mods need to form a support group, a twelve step plan or a method for me to go cold turkey, cause I know I need to stop following this, but can't, even though it will never end and I will continue to spiral into this black hole, from which there is no escape.

How is this still going on with no resolution? It just gets stranger and less believable by the day...WTF.

This is not therapy, and this is making me seem like I need some.

Someone, somewhere, somehow...finish this!!

Illegitimate baby?....I heard a rumor about Joyce and some fireman who does work as a hit man on the side...
Probably just a rumor....:D


Registered User
May 29, 2010
Exaggerate much? :laugh:

It'll turn around. Once he buys the team, we're ready to rock. :yo:

Just to remind everyone - Jamison won't "buy the team". Presumably, he will work for whoever buys the team. At this point, we have absolutely no solid information about who he might report to, other than the Ice Edge guys.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2005
That's an interesting thing to note S&S. With all that's going on, I expected much of the things of substance to occur at tomorrow's Executive Session (formal 30 day lease extension, a tangible update on JIG, etc).

But if you believe Shannon's post on Twitter, it's "pointing" to what would be the next Council get-together, Tuesday the 23rd

Honestly can say I'm stumped now as to what will truly transpire at tomorrow's meeting.

Personally I was wishing I could be a fly on the wall in relation to this as opposed to the Jobing/Jamison discussion anyway

That boilerplate is Item 1 on the agenda of every CoG Council Workshop Executive Session. I wouldn't read anything into it.


The Illusive Bettman
Sep 21, 2010
Pink Floyd eh?

Well, maybe:

Phoenix LXIII: When the city council shatters and the voters batter down the door you better run.... (run, run, run, run)


Phoenix LXIII: Confortably Numb (as the others said)


Phoenix LXIII: So ya, thought ya, might like to go to the show...

PS: Roger Water's The Wall show in July was awesome! :handclap:

So ya
Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the Coyotes show.
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That hockey owner glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine,
Jamison isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel....
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Registered User
Jan 26, 2005
...meh. Not their greatest work :shakehead

Then again, by now are these threads our greatest work :shakehead

But I've already put in dibs on the one after - "Will you still need me, will you still read me on thread LXIV?"


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
Pink Floyd eh?... I've got some bad news for you sunshine, Jamison isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel....

...odd. Waters piece from Pipers at the Gates of Dawn; Pick Up Thy Stethoscope & Walk would you'd think cure all ills of the tummy or head young Gregory might be experiencing. If he or anyone else even had a clue what Roger was talkin about.

But I've already put in dibs on the one after - "Will you still need me, will you still read me on thread LXIV?"

..aha! So you admit to making by thread disappear, pulled rank, executive privileges.
Why, why, well, why, why you Sir can eat my..... :rant::rant::rant:

but anyhoo. Beatles work too.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2012
I'm guessing GJ's meeting with Gary is along these lines....
"Geez Gary, things aren't going too well in that Glendale appears that dumb council doesn't wanna give us $17mil a year, and they want some performance clause included, like I gotta try to book acts for the other 300+ days outside of hockey dates.
Geez...what do they want for $17mil..
At least they're not asking if the investors have any money...well outside of that Lieberman...
I hope you're not mad at me Gary...I tried. If Beasley was still there we mighta been OK. I gotta deal with that "i'm looking out for the taxpayer" Skeete..."


Unfamiliar Moderator
Jan 30, 2009
South of Heaven
That boilerplate is Item 1 on the agenda of every CoG Council Workshop Executive Session. I wouldn't read anything into it.

Roger that

Edit/Clarification: I meant for what is to be discussed tomorrow as opposed to the S.O.P. of every CoG Workshop & E.S.
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Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
you cannot win this. the only thing "suggestive" in her statements is the blatant racism. CF was attempting to educate you, but that seems to have failed, with you apologetically wanting to dismiss his explanation as "contextual games". it's unfortunate that you still don't seem to understand the real message in her words, despite the efforts made here by others.

I don't need to be educated about racism.

My family originates from a place and time where they used to have separate drinking fountains labeled between whites and blacks. I was raised in a small farming town with equal numbers of blacks, whites and Hispanics all living in their own geographical "hoods". So neither you or CF are in a position to lecture me about the theories behind racism. I've had direct real world experience with it. Within my own family, and around it.


Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
You're flailing pretty wildly here, Legend. The newspaper didn't pick up any part of the loony conspiracy theory. The newspaper report debunks the asinine theory in the blog. The organization states in the article that Chariva didn't do anything wrong and the accusations were made by a felon. So much for those "nefarious connections". Unless...

What if the Glendale Star was in on the conspiracy? Does the Glendale Star employ Latinos? If they do, they're definitely in on it. In fact, anyone who says anything critical of the Coyotes must be part of a vast network of evil that was formed solely to stop the JIG deal. It couldn't be that the JIG lease is a fiscally imprudent deal for the city. No, it's all a big conspiracy.

Canadian Media? In on it.
Latinos? In on it.
Chavira? In on it.
Phoenix Monarch Group? In on it.
Goldwater? In on it.
Alvarez? In on it.
Lieberman? Slept through it. But as soon as he wakes up, he's in on it too.

Oh by the way, try to keep in mind that the entire conspiracy theory you were promoting is moronic because PMG cannot be awarded the contract by the council. That would violate all government contracting/competitive bidding laws. I mention that again because it seems like you and the blogger don't quite grasp the concepts involved here. You sound like two guys who are scared that the Coyotes might leave so you concoct ridiculous stories about those critical of the deal. The result is crackpot conspiracy theories that aren't even possible to begin with.

Try to keep in mind CF that I simply post what might be pertinent to the discussion. I haven't been one sided.... in fact I've been VERY open minded about the situation. I've even ripped on the Glendale city council in general when I felt it warranted.

The NHL could announce tomorrow that the Coyotes are being moved to Antarctica, and my life isn't going to end over it. For you to suggest I'm acting like some little scared fan is condescending to me..... and very childish.


Registered User
May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
Might be too long ( like the song it's from ) but:

The opening line of Karn Evil 9

Phoenix LXIII: Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!


Nordiques Hopes Lies
Jan 13, 2012
Town NHL hates !
It looks like GJ and the JSG is ready to close the deal.;)

Paul is full of...

It all began with the first tweet blues10 posted :

@PaulCalvisi COYOTES NEWS: source tells me that Jamison & Bettman met today and are making "progress towards closing" sale of team: http://*******/TsyHI0

Then it went :

@JPearlAZ @PaulCalvisi So Glendale is good to go then and now it lies in Bettman's hands?

And ended up with :

@PaulCalvisi Not quite. Need NHL approval + final Glendale vote RT @JPearlAZ: @PaulCalvisi So Glendale is good to go & now it lies in Bettman's hands?

Yep all the stuff that gets out there in the blog-twit-facebook-strat-o-sphere every two weeks.


Registered User
May 29, 2006
Phoenix LXIII: Frozen in Time

Nothing outside the election is going to get done since it looks like the CBA has to be done first before anyone moves on the lease issue.


Tortious Beadicus
Nov 27, 2009
Bay Area, CA
Try to keep in mind CF that I simply post what might be pertinent to the discussion. I haven't been one sided.... in fact I've been VERY open minded about the situation. I've even ripped on the Glendale city council in general when I felt it warranted.

The NHL could announce tomorrow that the Coyotes are being moved to Antarctica, and my life isn't going to end over it. For you to suggest I'm acting like some little scared fan is condescending to me..... and very childish.

I call it the way I see it. I apologize if that came across as condescending, that was not the intent. I truly respect your insight and have always appreciated your posts to the forum. I don't think using a conspiracy blog as a source is very astute but there's nothing wrong with us disagreeing about that. I certainly was not lecturing you about anything; perhaps my writing style can be improved to avoid that appearance in the future.


Tortious Beadicus
Nov 27, 2009
Bay Area, CA
How is this still going on with no resolution?
Someone, somewhere, somehow...finish this!!

The deal includes a non-viable franchise and an illegal subsidy. It takes time to navigate those two rather difficult issues. The players involved understand the political dynamics and I don't believe they have any intention of waiting until after the election to move on the deal. That would be counter productive to their objectives. There are still four council members that will approve whatever is put in front of them. The NHL is unlikely to squander their opportunity to take advantage of an incompetent council majority. If JIG truly has their financing secured, we should see a deal completed in the next 14 days.

See how I avoided saying "two weeks" there... ;)
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