@NateThompson44 is a bum
This isn’t quite the same. Tk benefits a lot from coots and g. While he is really good that’s next level teammates. Patrick at worst getting jvr, linblom, or Frost is still a lot of skill. Tk got who when sent down?That logic doesn't work.
It's the same as when TK was demoted... he was still great but his scoring and impact suffered because he was playing too little and with inferior players who held him back. This could easily go the same way and it's terrible for the team.
And when we moved g to center this past year in a few games Patrick started look much better. Playing a dominant style and started scoring. Same with the coots line. It’s funny cause at first it was all g jvr and tk. Then they got exposed defensively. Especially with our break out style that gordon went to.
To me the mistake was not switching one of voracek or linblom with tk or jvr. Would have helped a ton with possession and puck retrieval.