I swear, I'm trying to give Briere the benefit of the doubt, but every time he speaks, I find at least 2 problems in what he said.
1) Focusing on making Cutter a center, which is already trying to fit him in a role instead of just focusing on growing his strengths and findings ways to minimize his weakness. That doesn't mean you can't try him at center, but clearly his best position is the wing.
2) Discussing 4th line roles, meaning that he might still holds the view of 4th line/bottom 6 lines having to be solely a low/non-offensive role grinding-type role. Given his praises of Desluariers, it's not making me feel great...
There's no reason a team couldn't start development of one of their top forwards in the bottom 6. The only reason is that you're already decided that a very specific part of your lineup has a very specific role. By thinking this way, you've already mentally boxed yourself in. In order to be good, you need some type of secondary scoring out of your bottom 6, AND you also need production out of your ELCs and 2nd contracts.
Regarding Cutter's development, I'd rather see them deploy him in ways to beneficial Cutter's development. Ideally, sure with other offensive talent, but that doesn't mean he can't play 11-12 min of 5v5 and PP time and still develop. It's not long term, but it's fine to have a young player come into the league in the bottom of your lineup, almost everyone needs a certain amount of games to acclimate to the NHL speed.