If Roman cuts a promo tomorrow but plays a happy babyface again, then this falls flat.
Roman shouldn't even be on the show tomorrow but I don't think WWE has what it takes to get full value out of this setup. Reigns should be suspended for two weeks...not indefinitely...not fired...two weeks specifically without pay (cuz that's old school funny). Rumble has a six week build. You can throw away the two holiday weeks of Raw easy for this by suspending Reigns. Then you get over the idea that Roman gets no rematch and gets no Rumble match. Then Roman's focus can be on Trips and that should be the Mania build. Don't set up Roman getting into the Rumble with a stupid qualifier match. This is the time where you have Vince troll Trips a bit by entering him just for the hell of it. So many layers to that kind of thing happening. Then Trips screws him over firsthand. The rest is pretty easy. You can put Rusev against Reigns for Fast Lane before building for Mania 1 on 1.
Title program should be Brock-Sheamus with Brock going over then you can have whoever the hell you want win the Rumble to work Brock that isn't Reigns.