Per TSN, Prime Malkin or Prime Draisaitl

This is simply not true

this is simply not true, take a look at Draisaitl’s most common linemates this season. Please stop spreading this false narrative.

What, where's the lie?

Career Time on Ice w/ Connor McDavid
7512 TOI
Career Time on Ice w/o Connor McDavid
6959 TOI

(sum the numbers yourself with Natural Stat Trick if you don't think they're accurate)

24-25 All Strengths Ice time
TOI w/ McDavid
TOI w/ou McDavid

Yeah if you focus on JUST 5v5 and JUST this year, it's 400 minutes with him and 620 mnutes without. Yet still, McDavid is the 2nd most common forward linemate by icetime with him @ 5v5 this year.

He has and will spend more time on the ice with Connor McDavid than he does not for his career as long as he remains in EDM. It's a simple fact.

Malkin never didn't come remotely close to spending that kind of ice time with Crosby in his career.

Just to follow up to this...

-Draisaitl has spent 7512 of his ~14471 career minutes or 52% of his icetime with Connor McDavid.

-Malkin has spent 5775 of ~19017 career minutes (those minutes numbers are a little low because he played before advanced tracking started) or 30% of his career ice time with Sidney Crosby.

(again, if i phucked up summing the ice time in NST, feel free to correct me)

-Despite being 10 years younger, Drai has already played ~2000 more minutes with 97 than Malkin has with 87. Malkin didn't even play a 1/3 of his his career with Crosby out there while Draisaitl has played over half of his with McDavid.

-It's asbolutely a factor when comparing and analyzing these players imo.
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I think its very close.

Malkin is bigger, faster, harder to contain 1-on-1 and was the better 2 way forward - the defensive gap was wider when both were young

Draisaitl is better in the offensive zone at slowing the game, better passer and scorer. You can make a case that he is a top 3 goalscorer and a top 3 playmaker in the world.
He really wasn't, you don't become "another level" over Drai who has gone 2ppg in the playoffs unless you are clearly better than him, Malkin is not. Too many injuries, too many nights off, not statistically better in any massive way.
Malkin was playing not only in a lower-scoring league but in a league that still had a handful of all-time-conversation goaltenders.
We're talking Hasek, Brodeur, Lundqvist, Luongo, Kiprusoff, Price, Thomas, Nabokov and four of those regularly or played their entire careers on Eastern teams; whereas in the current era (post 2017 perhaps?) I would be hard pressed to say there are 3 goalies in the same conversation.
The problem with comparing the Pittsburgh NHL stars to their contemporaries is that either they were hurt a lot during their primes (Mario, Crosby, Malkin) or left on bad terms (Jagr). Hopefully that cycle doesn’t continue with Misa and McKenna.
If Drai had the physical gifts that Malkin had in his prime, he might be the best player in the world. Gimme Malkin. The list of players I take over prime Malkin might be 0. There are a couple I'd consider though, obviously.

For what it's worth, Draisaitl is a top 5 favorite player of mine. Not hating. Love the dude.
Malkin was a key player of multiple Cup wins. Of course he’s better than Draisatl.

Not arguing the conclusion itself, it might well be true, but hockey isn't basketball. It is completely possible to be a better player than someone and have fewer trophies. A way of looking at it is perhaps to ask what that player could have done in place of the other. Malkin was certainly a key player on multiple cups, but could the result have been the same with Draisaitl in his place? Would the Oilers have been any closer to a cup with prime Malkin instead of Draisaitl?

It might be tempting to disregard the complexity of a team and all its variables, but I don't think it's fruitful to make these cup based assertions when comparing players head-to-head.
If Drai had the physical gifts that Malkin had in his prime, he might be the best player in the world. Gimme Malkin. The list of players I take over prime Malkin might be 0. There are a couple I'd consider though, obviously.

For what it's worth, Draisaitl is a top 5 favorite player of mine. Not hating. Love the dude.

Maybe, but Draisaitl has a (fringe, in my opinion) argument for that already. What attributes do you think he's missing that Malkin was that much better at?
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