Deport Ogie
Registered User
Maybe folks are just built differently, but I just can't ever be such a kiss ass like him no matter what. Like sacrificing my integrity, not to mention having my knowledge of the game put into question, all to defend a coach? I'd never do that just to keep my press pass.
Either that or Yohe's not actually a kiss ass and just is an absolute moron when it comes to hockey and truly doesn't know better.
I'm willing to be wrong on this one but I honestly think that while Yohe would never wow anyone with his systematic game knowledge he can perceive the game better than he lets on. It's pretty standard across all the Pens media to bow and crawl backwards out of the room ahead of the mighty Sully. I suspect it's because they think they have to or access will be limited in some way. Is it a layover from the Grampa Jim era where he'd just randomly send out texts over his crepes about what moves he is planning?
Speaking of the JR days, let's be honest. It's not like this 'access' in this current form has allowed a single one of the Pittsburgh based journo's to actually break any kind of real news.