Don’t understand how it’s not tied
Wow do you guys have some sucky hockey players. Things don’t change I guess.
Jones would just replace Ekblad as the new scapegoat if he leavesSeriously f*** Ekblad. If this team loses first round get that dumb f*** off this team.
I’ve honestly like Jones. He has way more qualities than Ekblad in my opinion. Yes the skating is a little scary but he can actually QB a PP.Jones would just replace Ekblad as the new scapegoat of he leaves
If I didn't know Ekblad was out of the lineup I could've mistaken Jones for him.
Would rather have Ekblad than not..granted at a reasonable price.
already doneMassive regular season win for the Bruins and an even more massive regular Tuesday for the Panthers. I hope you squeak in playoffs so we can finally end your franchise for good.
Well, was watching through the bruins broadcast (no choice) but it wasn't any betterMaybe Goldie will shut the F up about the Panthers and how unbeatable they are in 3rd periods. It like listening to a high school girl talk about their crush, holy shiit