If you had written a book about this playoffs, the Panthers would not have been included, t
This is true for the Panthers, they have been playing Playoff hockey before the end of the season for at least 20 games, that has translated into the playoffs, the have shown us peaks and valley but the talent has taken them this far.
Before the beginning of the ayoffs I said that. I would be extremely happy with game 7, and So, here we are, this team's goes into this game commanding respect, the Bees found out quickly that they will be not bend or break easily, Bruins fans hopes are at all time lows now because of the results, Panthers hopes are riding high with a good reason.
A loss will not bring me despair as much as it did last year when we were expected like the Bs to run the table.
I will take the loss for what it is, we were not supposed to be here.
A Panthers win, will rewrite the sentiments for years to come about how a wild card team is as dangerous as any top seeded team, Panthers will be forever included in that conversation, that would be the most rewarding part of it.
Let's all have a great entertaining game.