If this were one owner, the trigger would be pulled this week. As a corporate entity, OSEG needs to know how the STH renewals are going and what the feedback is from that program. I expect that means a report and several meetings of the Renewals Task Group. Been there, done that. They should also hear from the recruiting side of things. Meanwhile, RedBlacks, Atletico, BlackJacks, Charge, etc. are all getting focus.
Deluded patsies like myself just pays our money and prepares for a loooonnnnggg summer. Others are perhaps less understated.
As for how DC came to be here, I am a firm believer that the Old Boys Club is still in full operation, as evidenced by the WJC slots. JB was co-coach with DC in St. Mikes in 2011 and DC needed a job for whatever reason. He has a rep and was taking over a pretty solid core of players. The next guy here has no such luxury.
My beef was always the choice of DC, not the man himself. He certainly has a resume, but the 67s needed a young up-and-comer to recharge things. They still do.