You cannot see the puck at any point in the feed. You can only assume where the puck is. I’ve frozen the feed on different angles right after the puck was shot and not once could we see an actual puck. We don’t know if it hit the blade of the stick, the shaft of the stick, nothing. We don’t know if it hit Uens and then went off Stonehouse’s body (based on the video). All we have is stuff like you are saying where it looks like Uens moved his head out of the way and Stonehouse slashed at the puck etc. From a rulebook perspective, that is meaningless. You have to actually have sight of the puck at the point it came into contact with the stick. IF you don’t have that, the call on the ice stands.
There was no video on the Live Broadcast that shows the puck coming into contact with the stick. At best this was a “best guess.” That is not how these are supposed to be ruled on. This is why I suggested the officials must have had a different camera feed to draw their conclusion from.
You really need to stop. He’s a 17 year old rookie caught in the shuffle. I hoped for better from him but his play has been inconsistent. The team will go through a cycle between now and the deadline. We will see a lineup in the second half after the deadline that will be more indicative of the true pecking order. Right now, with a lot of the shuffling going on, they are going through a process of determining that pecking order.
That does not mean that a player that moves from the 3rd line to the 4th line for a week or two will demand a trade.