What you are suggesting has not been demonstrated in previous drafts. Although Stutzle was clearly the most “electric” player in that draft, he went #3. That sort of thing happens all the time. It is so rare that a European unseats a North American as the #1 overall pick. I think Dahlin is the only European that didn’t play in Major Junior drafted first overall over the last few years.
You have to understand that I agree with your opinion regarding whether he should play. Where I disagree is I have a pretty good sense of how the NHL Executives typically work and there truly aren’t many teams that have management and ownership with strong enough resolve to pick a player first overall and not put him in the lineup. Shane Wright comes with a lot of fanfare being the exceptional status player and golden child for his draft age. If the team picking first doesn‘t take him, they risk facing a lot of scrutiny.
As you mentioned, Montreal MAY BE the one team to have the nutz to not only not pick Wright first overall but if they do, they may be the team to shove him back to Junior for a year. I am not sure any of the other teams in the lottery have that same strength of resolve.
Generally speaking, I thought Wright would have made more of an impact this year. As mentioned by some, he has been working on his 200 foot game more this year which has shown but his offence has been average for a star player. 32 goals is nice but far from eye popping. The question is whether his development would be better served in Major Junior or the NHL? To me, he is one of those guys in between. But, IMO, player that fall in that grey area should slip backward to Major Junior. I figure if a player doesnt’ seem to be ready for the NHL, there is no reason to rush him. Even if his skills don’t improve playing another year in Major Junior, his physical development will have a chance to improve. Being one year older and more physical mature in itself is good for young players.
OMG, we totally agree and I will even agree that the first-round pick is usually an N.A. player. I will also agree that teams are going to want that player to play and to be able to play at the NHL level.
That is where I think a lot of teams may be concerned with Wright. Yes, he has the parts but as you said he is a gray area first-round pick .
I look at the fact that instead of talking about this year's draft people are already talking about Bedard.
That is whY I think a team that needs help this year will look to the 2 Euro players. It has been mentioned by experts.
I think teams like Ottawa and Arizona ( Tourigny) would also give him time to grow BUT if he is not going to be a 33rd line player at least then they will send him back to Junior to gain the size, maturity and speed.
Lafreniere and Hughes were supposed to be impact players however they have not. Not because of anything other than the team that signed them was not ready for them nor did they have the necessary chops.
Slafkovsky to me is the pick that is probably NHL ready LW 6'4" 218 lbs playing in the men's league in Finland would be a better fit.
If you remember Marco was supposed to be pencilled in and a sure t thing to play for the Wild.
No matter where a player is drafted there are 2 t things that teams have to look at
Do they have a space at that position and
Has he performed in camp at a level that tells you he can survive a full year?
Wright as with all the draft picks will be given that chance to show that they are ready.
That includes Boucher unfortunatley.