then next year will be a rebuilding year. There is ZERO chance this team contends for a championship with a player like Mews on the back end eating up significant minutes learning how to play defence. His MINUS numbers will be epic.
In addition, that also means he takes up a spot from a veteran D-Man.
Back in the real World, if he does play defence full time, his minutes will be significantly sheltered.
The reality is, no one on this board understands how poor his defensive zone coverage really is. You will find out soon enough. That is not a knock on the kid. Far from it. It is more jsut a matter of fact that moving back to defence was fine when you were on a super team that played most of its on ice minutes in the offensive zone but coming into the OHL and learning to play defence isn’t easy and if he does it as a 16 year old from day one, we as fans better be ready for A LOT of “learning experiences.”
If this 67’s team has a singular goal of cometing at the highest level, Mews will play primarily at Forward next year while he learns how to play defence. I should say, he would be the 7th D-Man but he would take most of his shifts at forward ont he 4th line. That would be the responsible thing to do from a development point of view while also protecting the team’s ability to achieve its highest results.