OT: Other Sports 82

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Cubs stink (albeit they did just take back the lead), Illinois football stinks, Bulls will assuredly stink, Hawks will probably stink aside from prospect development, and Bears somehow stink the worst.

I'm going to really need Illini basketball to be damn fun to survive this autumn/winter.
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I can’t get too upset about an 83 win team missing the playoffs, but it was still a very Cubs way for it to go down.
Oops, forgot to watch the AFL Grand Final again.

Aussie Rules is way too fun of a game to be broadcast so many time zones away.
Basically off topic - but I love that pic of those two uniforms. Classic, clean, basic. So much of what teams across all sports are wearing today is like wtf? I sound like an old man with the cloud but simple is so much better.
Username and post checks out. :laugh:
Terrible news. He was one of the good guys in the game. Last of the great knuckle ball pitchers (not including RA Dickey). Curt Schilling is a piece of s**t.
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Bauer may be prick/asshole, etc but he was victim here

How MLB and Dodgers handled this was disgraceful

Lucas Giolito ended year

6-6 with 3.79 ERA for Sox
1-5 with 6.89 ERA for Angels
1-4 with 7.04 ERA for Guardians

There is a good reason the Sox were unwilling to give him long-term deal

For as much as he flashed his potential with play 2019-2021 his 2018 + 2022 + Angels/Guardian stints show he is too much a risk to invest in

Someone is going to give him a big $ long-term deal and regret it IMO. The Rodon contract should be cautionary tale this year in FA
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Not only that, but the journalist from the Athletic wrote a story saying that he fractured her skull, all while having the girls medical records showing that to be false.

This whole thing.. just morally bankrupt people. Her AA sponsor, her friends. All of these people knew.

It really makes me distrust everything. Which is the entire point of why this is so wrong. Why you screw over actual victims.
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