My wife and I were downtown a week or two ago and had an in depth look at what is happening there these days. To my dismay, it looks a lot like something from an apocalypse movie in many spots. I remember the downtown being vibrant and decent looking from back in the 60's and 70's. Older buildings, no doubt, but still clean and orderly. Now, it is an endless stream of roadblocks, orange pylons, broken concrete on nearly every road, and according to the city, it's a multi-year plan to rehab. The old parking lots have deteriorated badly, and many are now vacant and unsightly. The demographic is increasingly dominated by homeless, mentally ill, and substance addicted persons. Even the upscale and vaunted Ice District is dominated by these types. Garbage thrown everywhere. Vacant and decrepit old buildings waiting for someone to tear them down and build something worthwhile. I wouldn't want to have a potential business associate come down there and look at this mess, let alone have a friend visit and try to "show off" our city.
I know construction is a healthy signal for an area, but this is so run down, it is far and above that. Too much of a good thing all at once perhaps? There are nice updated pockets, but that's about it. It was a bit of a shock to see it like this, and it likely will be like this for at least a few more years.