I was a mildly disappointed in the Simontaival and Chromiak picks last year just for that reason, too many swings for the fences instead of shoring up the backbone.
But, even though it hasn't been stated by any one within the organization publicly, I do think that they may change their drafting focus away from looking for home runs towards safer character picks as their draft positioning sinks downward in the standings.
BPA is a myth, a platitude thrown out so you don't have to share the reasoning for the selection. There are so many factors worked into the selections that BPA is really Best Fit Available for the plan at the time.
If the idea was to address the glaring lack of skill left by Lombardi, they have really addressed that focus. Its too early to claim any kind of pattern, but the kinds of picks made as well as the pro roster moves show a full embrace of the rebuild. That is a longterm commitment, and while the scouting community has been dealt a shitty hand this year, I am very interested to see if they start looking for bigger wingers and defenders as the next priority.