Only game being played is the blame game(CBA Negotiation discussion thread) - Part IV

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Butch 19

Go cart Mozart
May 12, 2006
Geographical Oddity
Barch's NHL contracts listed on Cap Geek have totaled $4.325 million. I know that's what most truck drivers and line workers pull in over a 6 year span.

Those comments are EXACTLY why the NHLPA should put a moratorium on players tweeting. I get the sacrifices that players have made to make it to the NHL and I don't have a problem with them earning big bucks because they have a skill people are willing to pay lots of money to see used. But they're never going to be a totally sympathetic figure and when someone who has made millions tries to compare himself to a line worker in a factory, people aren't going to buy it and it makes the players look like morons.

Looks to me like Krys Barch should have been voting "yes" to the owners' CBA offers...?

Where else is he gonna pull down $850k for 9 months work?

If this season is totally lost and he loses out on that 850, how's that looking out for his family and his wine collection?

He's exactly the kind of player that Crosby, Pronger and Ovetckin are screwing by having the NHLPA vote "no" and keeping $$ out of his wallet.

Banana Sandwiches

Registered User
Jul 18, 2011
There should be a required agreed upon clause in every CBA from here on out that stipulates that both sides need to meet to discuss in regularly scheduled intervals regarding implementation of a new CBA lets say 2 years from current CBA expiration. If this is the pace that negotiations keep taking, 2 years provide ample time for a new deal to be worked out without millions of dollars lost to lockout. I don't see why either side would reject this.

I'd second this.

That's what's really pissing me off about this whole thing. Both sides knew the CBA was up this year and nothing happened between the two sides in terms of talks until late July. It's simply unacceptable.

I don't care which side it was that said they were too busy to meet. Bottomline, both sides are at fault for letting this drag out so damn long.

This is what's pissing me off the most about this whole CBA fiasco.


Anything Can Happen In Jersey
Apr 24, 2012
Anyone else reading the rumblings of krys barch on twitter? Sitting by the fire, drinking Porte admiring his 3 kids, wife and most definately big house.. And it's " whoa is me" check it out
Hate this guy already. :facepalm:
Still dont understand that signing.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2010
Time for the NHL to stop screwing around here . The PA simply doesn't want to negotiate so lets play hard ball

Ok players here's our final offer. Keep your salary in the 1st yr but we are going immediately to a 50/50 split in HRR for next 7 yrs after that. We want an 8 yr contract and we will increase the owners share of RS to 220 mil .

We want the contract issues fixed. Max 8 yr term limit on contracts and 4yrs on ELC's. We want bonus money strictly controlled and to be included in the cap the year it's paid. Not Averaged over the life of the contract.There will be no more front or back loading designed to circumvent the cap. We will give you FA after 8 yrs service or age 26 which ever comes first.

Final offer ,you take this and vote on it. If its rejected then we sit till your ready to do so.

I've been through at least 10 sets of negotiations in my life and I've never seen a situation where one side basically refused to move of their 1st offer. Its time for the NHL to stop fooling around with these guys so just lay it on the line for the final time.


Benning has been purged! VANmen!
May 24, 2011
The saddest thing is that the majority of the people that are replying to Barch's tweets are supporting him.

Yeah, it's a bit odd to be honest.

Has any "average Joe" seen their paycheck be doubled within 7 years?

For all of the talk about the owners wanting to "take" from the players, if an office workplace paid everyone 100K instead of 50K within a couple of years for the same work they always did, then wanted to reduce it to 90K but keep room for further growth, would anyone honestly complain to the point of risking their jobs? Specially when the other employers can only afford to say, only absorb a fraction of the employees at the current wages and everyone else has to fend for 25K-30K positions?

The problem is that a lot of people - and for the looks, many players themselves - think that the previous CBA was "forced" upon them and the owners stole everything from them or something like that. The matter of fact was that it was meant to cut short-term costs, but it was incredibly favorable for the players in the long term thanks to the cap floor and favorable HRR distribution.

Another thing is that the CBA in 2005 was negotiated in the context of that time. It's an entirely new situation now. The old deal has expired. Given some big losses some franchises are experiencing, it clearly shouldn't be the standard bearer for a new CBA. And if costs can't be kept in check then people simply won't want to own teams in the league.

Here's something that hasn't sunk into the heads of the players AND the public: a difference of say, 10% in costs for owners might be the difference between making a healthy profit and being quite deep in the red - it's the margin that matters. Essentially, it's the gap between being a viable business and NOT being a viable business. Say all you want about greed this and greed that but if you don't have the economic incentives for billionaires to own teams then no one will buy them be interested. Whereas a grinder earning 1M instead of 1.1M will surely keep playing hockey.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2011
Time for the NHL to stop screwing around here . The PA simply doesn't want to negotiate so lets play hard ball

Ok players here's our final offer. Keep your salary in the 1st yr but we are going immediately to a 50/50 split in HRR for next 7 yrs after that. We want an 8 yr contract and we will increase the owners share of RS to 220 mil .

We want the contract issues fixed. Max 8 yr term limit on contracts and 4yrs on ELC's. We want bonus money strictly controlled and to be included in the cap the year it's paid. Not Averaged over the life of the contract.There will be no more front or back loading designed to circumvent the cap. We will give you FA after 8 yrs service or age 26 which ever comes first.

Final offer ,you take this and vote on it. If its rejected then we sit till your ready to do so.

I've been through at least 10 sets of negotiations in my life and I've never seen a situation where one side basically refused to move of their 1st offer. Its time for the NHL to stop fooling around with these guys so just lay it on the line for the final time.

Really? Because many around here seem to act like this is par for the course in negotiations.

Also, might as well go for NFL-style non-guaranteed contracts as well.

God, this whole thing is stupid.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 12, 2007
Fort Wayne
If Barch can't live the rest of his live on the $4M+ that he's earned so far, then he is a fool. And all this does is demonstrate what we already know from these negotiations, that the players have no business sense and no idea how to properly manage money.

Talk about your average joe, a college graduate who works until age 65 and earns an average of $50k/yr during that time is going to earn about $2M in their career. That's quite enough to live comfortably on, have a nice house (not a mansion by any stretch), be insured, drive a new car and not have to worry about finances month-to-month.

In some sense I feel bad for the responsible players, because guys like Barch make them look like fools. On the other hand, I don't see any players stepping up and talking about how guys like Barch need to learn how to manage their assets and be financially responsible. Seems like the NHL needs to add mandatory financial courses for the players, i'm pretty sure the NFL put something like that into place a few years ago.


Who took my beer?
May 4, 2010

But this first year of a new CBA – that’s the Maginot line for the players. They aren’t going to take much less than 57, and certainly nothing on the order of 47. They’ll sit out the whole year if there is no alternative.


talk about an ironically bad analogy there


Registered User
Jun 3, 2004
The NFL (and maybe NFLPA, not sure) does a thing with all their rookies every summer on finances, media, etc. Doesn't obviously always work (Hi Vince Young!), but there's an effort made.

Ronald Dubinsky*

Poor barch and his peers. He may have to work after he makes his millions and leaves the NHL. What a tough life.


Registered User
May 15, 2010
The saddest thing is that the majority of the people that are replying to Barch's tweets are supporting him.

People can really be sheep sometimes. Just following along with someone's thoughts and not really thinking about what or why they are following.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2009
Sault Ste. Marie
Sure the players lose in principle, but whether they are at 48%, 50% or whatever for the next 5+ years, they'll be making more revenue than the league as a whole did back in 04-05. So sure, they might lose in the fact that they lost some percent, but no matter what, they'll be richer than ever.

It's amazing how much principle is worth. missing another hockey season and everything that comes with it....not to mention after the year is up the offer will get worse not better....that's what makes me angry about the players stance.....they seem to be delusional.

Hire Sather

He Is Our Star
Oct 4, 2002
lol Krys Barch, players like him are why the Players will have to eventually cave.

Deal with it and start talking turkey for real. Talk for real.


Apr 16, 2012
This Planet
Serious question, when most unions go on strike the service is still provided to keep the business rolling, except the owner(s) of said business(es) look to scab workers.

So what's stopping the NHL from bringing in washed up or not quite there players on a temporary basis?

If they feel so strongly that the league needs significant reform (and I'm not disputing that 20 out of 30 teams are either losing money or breaking even) what other way to get the NHLPA to start thinking clearly and face that they have it good.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2009
People can really be sheep sometimes. Just following along with someone's thoughts and not really thinking about what or why they are following.


Oh wait, I was doing what you said all people do. Because clearly if someone has a different opinion than your own they are only doing it because they are sheep and can't think for themselves.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2009
Sault Ste. Marie
Serious question, when most unions go on strike the service is still provided to keep the business rolling, except the owner(s) of said business(es) look to scab workers.

So what's stopping the NHL from bringing in washed up or not quite there players on a temporary basis?

If they feel so strongly that the league needs significant reform (and I'm not disputing that 20 out of 30 teams are either losing money or breaking even) what other way to get the NHLPA to start thinking clearly and face that they have it good.

The NHL really doesn't want to do that, what they want is for the PA to negotiate which I'm sure they are a little surprised on howlittle the PA is doing to get a season going. The league has issues that need to be resolved going forward and the PA simply won't acknowledge it. They think that they just have to posture and waste enough time and the owners will fold up like a cheap suit and give Fehr whatever he wants.

My question is do the players really think they are going to win the "holdout" game against the owners?


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
Krys showing us the drink and Dial crossover version for twitter

Interesting when it comes to money Managment and pro athletes. this summer I was listening to former Jets receiver Wayne Cherbet being interviewed on the NFL network by Ross Tucker. Wayne now works as a wealth manager for Morgan Stanley and when Ross asked him if he managed pro football players money Wayne said (to paraphrase) that it's not with his time unless a player is on his third contract. By that time most of them begin to get that this run may end at some point. he said the young guys are insulated, hard to reach, and generally not interested in planning for the future. then he mentioned a scary stat that 70% of NFL players have (will) file for bankruptcy at some point. Ross was sharing the horror stories of how the young players handled money on the teams he played on.
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