If KHL was the greatest league in the world would canadians then accept that 4 russians would be refs in a final between Russia and Canada.
I say definitely NOT.
You are hypocrites if you say yes to that question.
It's easy to talk trash of us europeans because we don't have 100% confidence in canadian refs but reverse this and you would scream out loud.
A hockey game contains thousands of situations and it's nearly impossible after a game to say that refs did a objective job.
it can take just one or two penalties at critical points if needed.
Like when Sweden played Finland in the semifinal and got 3 on 5 for nearly 2 minutes because Kronwall intererfered Selänne.
Do I think Canada would have gotten that penalty in that spot with 4 canadian refs.
No, I certainly don't. That was a tough penalty to take. Looked like a dive.
Also I would rather have a russian or finnish referee when Sweden plays Canada than 4 canadians even if they have 90% of the skill that the canadian refs have.
All you do is ridicule and trash talk, not for one second do you think about how other countries feel about this.
Why not use some american NHL refs, or KHL refs. I really hope that if they start a World Cup that they have neutral refs and not canadian refs.
The argument that NHL refs are the best, can easily be countered by taking the second best refs that are neutral.
Just like there are hockey players good enough to compete there are also refs from KHL and SHL that are close enough that it would work just fine.
The anti-Canadian bias in euro hockey circles is too strong. Officials are not immune to this. the KHL is too politicized and the levels of professionalism demanded of an NHL official is not demanded of a Russian-born KHL official.
A Canadian-born NHL official who favored Canada in a gold medal match would have his career damaged or destroyed.
A euro official who favored Canada's European opponent in a gold medal match would have his resume enhanced in the eyes of the IIHF and would probably end up as head of officials for the federation.
The ghost of Viktor Dombrowski haunts Russian and European officiating to this very day.
I'll take an NHL referee because they are held accountable by New York for their professional conduct on the ice.
The same level of accountability and professionalism does not exist across the pond.