I’ll always welcome a devils advocate, and I appreciate you bringing that up because I think on the surface it could provide some type of justification. However I think when it comes to this specific situation, the risk is not to the guys who hired him, or Bowman himself, it’s to every single person in the organization who doesn’t have the luxury of being handed a golden parachute like Aldrich, or returning to their multimillion dollar a year salary running and NHL team within 2 years of being forced to step away.
When the real risk is being forced on those involved with the team and organization rather than the hire themselves, or the ones who made the hire, it becomes a lot different than hiring someone looking for a second chance who’s biggest risk is typically going to be themselves and the people who’ve hired them.
Sure the execs are taking a “risk” by risking the backlash of hiring him with all the controversy, but when you hire someone with a history of covering for an abuser, you send a message to everyone below you that you’re willing to put all of them at risk of being the next “John Doe”. That’s not a risk anyone should be allowed to force onto anyone else, especially when the ones suddenly at risk are people who likely don’t have the luxury of being able to simply just find somewhere else to go.
Playing devils advocate here and it’s something that I’ve thought about recently.
I’m a situation like this, with Bowman at least in the outside putting in work to atone for what he did (which is more than the others in this situation who were far worse have even tried to do) the message that could get sent for having him permanently black balled sends is. Do a bad thing and you are done, so simply get better at hiding it.
That happens most of the time in scandals. These things don’t really stop happening, they just get better and better at covering them up.
The one potential benefit of bringing in Bowman to the league again is he is obvious a guy who has admitted and sought how to learn about how he failed and he can bring that to the league and hopefully help promote change.
Remove peoples chances to change and atone and bad actions don’t stop happening, they just work harder to make sure you never find out.
Edit: Now my belief here doesn’t extent to a guy like Aldrich who actually committed the assault, same with things like sexual assault, rape, murder, any harm to kids etc.