McDrai are. Several of the forwards we let go are, but unfortunately none of the ones we retained are. sigh.
Should be embarassing to our forward group how many of our D are among our leading goal scorers. lol. If this was Ronnie low coaching he would make some of this can't score in a barn players to have to score 3 goals every practice or scrimmage or die trying.
One year he had the no hands lunks taking penalty shots on backup goalies until they scored 2. They weren't allowed to leave the ice until they got it done. Some of the forwards on that team took 29 attempts. Funniest thing I ever saw. Finally the goalie just accidentally fell out of his net so the last exhausted forward could score an empty net and buy him a beer. Those practices were free and they were worth the price of admission

Low was some kind of character as a coach.