Agree 100% . I have a hard time seeing it work, but if there going to try, I’d say do something abstract or a little less traditional.
It would be a great project for someone who is super rich and wants to own a hockey team, loves junior hockey and like EvenSteven said won’t mind loosing money for multiple years to get it up and ready. I don’t know how many people are out there lol
Toronto will not work and has not worked because
A. it is Junior hockey failed before every time people with money tried to put a team not associated with the leafs.
B. University students can go to Uni games which are cheaper and have their almamater playing.
c. Rent for MLG or varsity would be cost prohibitive and ice time as well as facilities would be an issue.
d. No one lives in Toronto anymore
e. Toronto has too much entertainment and things fighting for the dollars.
Consider billeting and costs to operate.
If the fan base is there and there is an owner interested than Cornwall would be interesting.
Belleville would need the sens to leave and I don't see that happening.