Now that would be something.I’m guessing he goes nuclear and walks out.
Now that would be something.I’m guessing he goes nuclear and walks out.
I've heard similar. In essence, he tried to do Dale's job with Dale sitting right there. It didn't go over well.My understanding is that Wallach apparently made an attempt to become a larger part of the "Dale and Holley Show" at one point, without running it by anyone. I believe Dale once made reference to a sponsored interview he and Holley did with Vince Wilfork where out of nowhere, Wallach started asking questions. Vince apparently felt ambushed and was not amused. That forced the station/Dale to step in and put Wallach in his place. Wallach then felt pigeonholed into his "Flash Guy" role and that ultimately led to his decision to leave.
Excellent post well saidI have been critical of Dale Arnold in the past as a "company man" willing to put his head down and collect the paycheck from NESN and, to a lesser extent, 'eei.
Two bits:
One, I did not enjoy his play by play calls. Granted, they coincided with a dreadful era for the B's under Sinden/OC.
Yet Dale Arnold finally became what he always should have been: the knowledgeable pre/intermission/post game studio host who summarizes the action, sets up the color guys and keeps the pace moving crisply. He was excellent at this, a perfect fit.
I also enjoyed his collaboration with Shawn Thornton on the latter's memoir, Fighting My Way to the Top.
I hope he does more of this going forward.
Two, whatever quibbles I've had over thirty years, it was always obvious to me that Dale Arnold is a decent, honorable man who puts the work in. I respect him for that.
Finally, I had never heard about an apparently fraught relationship between Arnold and eei flashboy John Wallach.
(I haven't listened to 'eei since, literally, 9/11, and it was from Wallach that I learned that two planes had crashed into the WTC.)
Wallach always seemed like an affable sort to me. He was one of the few people at that station I didn't detest.
What was the source of contention between him and Dale? I was surprised to read about this, yet not surprised at all that Arnold forthrightly apologized to John Wallach for whatever misunderstanding may have taken place.
Does anyone know what that was about? Curious.
Good luck, Dale,
Ok interesting - just went to DD and heard Fred but no RichRich is not on the show this morning. It is Johnston and Wallach with him. Says he’ll talk about it at 8am
Now that would be something.
Yep.Most awkward open.
Fred babbled on and on and made everything about him while Rich and Wallach just played along.
When the show was going to break Ric couldn't get out of the room fast enough.
Fred's narcissism has ruined the show
I turned it off after they came back to do "what happened last night" in favor of a true crime podcast.Yep.
Trying to play it off as if this whole situation was dreamed up by the media and people on internet chat rooms (us).
No, we react to what you put out there.
Rich is smart to take the high road and play dumb.