What was up with the guy who kept running back and forth?
Was he jacking that guy's stuff?
road rage, two kids in pickup get out, grandpa grabs one of their skateboards and smashes out back window. passenger of pickup jumps in gramps car, comes back at them and takes him out.
bunch of savages in this town
This video from the LA Department of Tourism does not help.
add in this one too
Waiting for ADT to say something witty and original
Sweet, I did not realize it is coming back so soon.
WOW. Talk about stalking. And furthermore DESPERATION.
Everyone needs to...
It's so obvious how much everyone in here needs water...
This is Fear the Walking Dead, different show, different setting, different time frame.
Faster, prettier zombies.
Sweet, because anyone that knows Gentle Ben Ken0be knows that i love my pretty zombies.
Is this the multiple Chrome tabs talking????
Sweet, because anyone that knows Gentle Ben Ken0be knows that i love my pretty zombies.
GBK likes to try to sounds cultured. It's his version of Joe DirteWe also now know he can't spell his own name.
and beer!
I thought there was a rule against posting identifying images on these boards? You have been reported.
You can't replace. Never got why people use that term. If you said you were adopting to replace a kid, you'd get punched, no different for a pet.