Blue Jays Discussion: Off-season discussion: Two signings. Rinse, Repeat add 1.

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Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
I tried listening on the radio today and the Jays may as well quit doing radio broadcasts. Ben is worse than his dad. No enthusiasm and as monotone as John Tavares.
I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before, but almost everyone around baseball completely disagrees with you about Dan Shulman. He's the best in the business. I still find it mind boggling that someone can dislike him enough to bring it up regularly.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2010
I imagine there's some different legal wrangling and interactions with payroll tax thresholds and whatever inherent in a deal that is for X years with opt-outs vs a deal that is for Y years with option years that add up to X.

Like obviously not the same case since MLB doesn't have an NHL style cap setup, but I imagine that if you had a contract that was for $100m over 4 years with 3 opt-outs the AAV would be $25m even if the salary by year was $50m/20m/20m/10m, but if you had a deal that was like a $50m/1yr contract with 3 options progressively worth $20m/$20m/$10m the AAV on that deal for the first year at least would be $50m because options default to a state of not existing unless they are picked up whereas opt-outs default to a state of being part of the contract unless/until the necessary party voids them.

So basically they invented a way to manipulate the tax threshold number


Registered User
Dec 22, 2010
Maybe? I'm just completely guessing here.

I was just thinking the other day about how bad the opt outs are for teams. If the player is good they leave or get more to stay, if they're bad you overpay them. Then I realized that players are equally screwed by team options. Then I realized wait aren't player options just the same thing?

Not sure if that's why they became a thing. Perhaps they were a thing for a while and recency bias is doing its tricks on me but it feels like it's a thing that didn't exist 10 years ago and now every other sizeable contract has them. Maybe it sounds better in the media that a player got 100 million rather than 25 million with 3 option years(in my example). But I guess the tax thing is the only real tangible benefit
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