I'm guessing this deal is at least partly about synergy. I'm making this all up, but I'll bet at least some of this is true (
Malkin's business is retail/real estate. He develops and runs luxury "shopping villages" throughout Europe and now also in China. (Any chance Wang gets some kind of involvement in the real estate in China?)
And wasn't there a rumor last week that "the other bidder" was involved in apparel? Well, it's one thing to manufacture apparel, it's another thing to get it placed in retail locations. Malkin can do that. I and others ha've been saying for a year now that people are underestimating the value of "Brooklyn" as a marketing deal. I wasn't thinking of Europe, but I think all the leagues (see NFL) want to get into overseas markets even a little bit like the international soccer leagues do here.
Waiting 2 years to assume full ownership is okay in that they're not going to have to be majority owners in the lame duck year at NVMC and can start fresh in Brooklyn. They either wanted to wait the extra year, or it was a carrot to Wang to have 1 year in Brooklyn too.
FWIW, the chances of the primary uniform design/colors and/or logo changing just went up. We'll see what happen in 2 years.
I would not be surprised if the NHL was advocating these guys as owners (remember that Barroway alleged in his Complaint that the NHL was suggesting Wang talk to other potential buyers but Wang said Barroway had the deal). Maybe the NHL wanted Wang to talk to these guys as a furtherance of their push to Europe. My suspicion is that Ledecky is the deal-maker, but Malkin is the guy who really appealed to the league with his European and Chinese retail connections. BTW, I'll bet the Isles will play their preseason in England in 2016.
Oh yeah. We're big-time now.