There're two major differences - those organizations actually a) employ 100% national teams in their events and b) they apply the same rules to all participants. Nobody cares whether it's a cash grab or not when those principles are followed.
The new world cup format however, breaks a) when it includes two joke teams that are most definitely NOT national teams and b) it allows Russia, Sweden, Finland and the Czechs to use ALL players available to them, but to Canada and USA only those that are 24 or older.
Also, now it's my time to call you out for missing the point, because I wasn't even critisizing the tournament for being a cash grab - but saying its nature as a cash grab may mean all their talk about "one-time thing" may turn out to be empty because of it.
Once again, most posters here who are saying it's a sham don't call it a sham because of its nature. They'd have no problem with it... if it followed the right format. In its current form, it's blatant exhibition and while the prize money may warm in the coffers of the winning federation (and here's another question, what happens if one of the mickey mouse squads happens to pot it?), it will not go into the annals as a great victory to be recited to the grandchildren.
That, coupled with the possibility that it may be the only event where all one's country's best players are gathered in the same squad at the same time to the unforeseeable future makes the prospect positively frightening.