I mean Nick only had 62pts in 48GP in his final year of junior. Had he got 103 pts he would have been much higher rated, especially given the size and brand of hockey he played. That said, Nick was clearly touted as the better player in comparison to the Goat, no question about that. I was using the goat as a reference on how size really makes a massive difference at the Junior level. Freddy was never able to use his size effectively in the NHL, largely because the average player size was that much greater. I don't recall many times where he burned guys wide in the NHL, whereas at the junior level he was able to because in a 50/50 race he could always lean into the pressure and use his size to make a play towards the net. He was able to gain position with ease at the junior level, whereas he struggled once he got to the pro level. Which is to be expected to some degree.
Nick has always been the more offensively prolific player, but he has yet to fulfill what he was drafted to become. Each passing day that potential becomes less and less realistic. I am fairly confident when Anaheim selected Nick at 10 OA, they were expecting more that 30-35pt potential. There is still time for him to grow, and he will get a great opportunity to do so in TO. I think that has to be exciting for him. I am looking forward to seeing it personally.
I am with you though, put the expectation low and consider anything beyond that as a bonus. And by low I would say I expect him to perform at the exact same level as last year. Which would have been around 22G and 38pts.