I think Sam does have a lot of inside information about the IceDogs and it frustrates him to see how bad things really are with DD at the helm. Some of you may think the team is doing well now so everything is good. But that couldn't be further from the truth.
The IceDogs asset management is horrendous. If a GM of any other team made the moves that DD has made, they would be fired. We don't even have our full compliment of picks and yet the IceDogs have been out of the playoffs for 4 seasons. We should be full of 2nd and 3rd round picks.
Most of the early players they draft belong to one agent, which restricts the pool of talent. They won't draft U.S. players and they barely use the import draft.
The in-game experience is nothing like it was under the Burke's and attendance is plummeting.
Now I will admit that things have improved a little this season. DD has brought in a solid coaching staff and it appears he is spending a little more on the players this season. The in-game experience seems to have slightly improved over last season and the summer fan fest at least shows he is trying to win the fans. But DD still has a long way to go (doing real media interviews and being honest with the fans would help).
I am enjoying the winning this season but to be honest, I am extremely worried about the future of the IceDogs here in Niagara. Sometimes once a team starts losing fans, it snowballs and the team can't be saved.