Daily Testing Trends in the US - Johns Hopkins
According to this chart, the positivity rate is actually near the all-time lows right now. And cases don’t necessarily correlate to sick people, hospitalized people or number of deaths. Obviously, the less cases the better, but that’s not really the best statistic to be looking at when you realize how much the US tests and how large the population is.
Deaths/hospitalizations (the people that are getting extremely sick) are a better statistic to look at and the daily deaths for the country are generally at their lowest points since mid June - mid July, while the hospitalization rate is the lowest since March, according to this chart from the CDC.
COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 42
Not saying this thing is in the rear view mirror by any means, just that cases are going to keep rising as testing increases. And while the positivity rate has increased slightly in October, it has been nowhere near as concerning as the raw number of cases would lead you to believe. Just some context (and positivity!).