First and foremost, the Stay Oufts would like to welcome the Wildcards, or Malfeasances, or whatever they are calling themselves. We hope you will be here for many many periods, we don’t have high hopes you’ll last past a few seasons at best with the competition in this league. In time you and the roads will probably be relegated.
Onto more important business, we immediately thought of a handful of covers to choose from but we’re astounded when looking for an outlier to discover just how many songs are straight up remakes.
The sheer variety should make this category interesting.
At the risk of leaving some very very good choices behind, we will be taking
Curly Fries as our team
French Fry.
We don’t know who is next, but we will make another post tagging them, which will be auto merged, so we as a whole will learn is that tagging feature works.
@DancingPanther gotta keep these boys on their toes, keep ‘em guessing.