Thank you
@Captain Dave Poulin. As with every last pick of a round, we are reminded of your continued creativity and determination to keep this enjoyable exercise going. Thank you!
The Halifax Galleons select as our Team Diplomat
Joseph son of Jacob.
The 11th of 12 sons of Jacob, the patriarch of Israel, Joseph was his father's favoured child (technicolour dreamcoat and all). This did not endear him to his brothers, who sold him to travelling slavers and lied to their father that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. In Egypt, Joseph was bought by a high official named Potiphar; Joseph quickly impressed Potiphar by his administrative skills that he was soon running Potiphar's household. However, Potiphar's wife admired Joseph for more than his business acumen and when he resisted her advances, she told her husband Joseph tried to rape her.
Joseph then found himself in prison, where he met Pharaoh's baker and cupbearer. Another of Joseph's many abilities was dream interpretation, and he correctly interpreted from the dreams of these officials that one would be restored to his position and the other would be executed. The reinstated official told Pharaoh about this when Pharaoh was having troubling dreams, so Joseph was brought before Pharaoh. Joseph understood that Pharaoh's dreams were warnings about a coming famine for Egypt and the surrounding nations. Pharaoh was so impressed by Joseph's wisdom that he put Joseph in charge of preparation for the coming disaster and second in command of the entire nation.
When Joseph's brothers came to Egypt to buy food, Joseph (whom the didn't recognize) first tricked them into bringing his younger brother and father to Egypt and then he had compassion on them and they all settled in Egypt, where they thrived.
In every situation, Joseph showed wisdom and faithfulness to God's word. He didn't just prosper in everything he did but brought prosperity to everyone around him. This is a shrewd and honest leader that we are pleased to add as a member of our franchise.
With this we close the book on yet another fun drafting round and cede the podium to
@Beef Invictus.