In misery of redwings of suckage for a long time
"For our Team Retro Clothing Item, the owners of the Tampa Bay FireSticks are pleased to select a clothing accessory that is at the same time dashing and mysterious. We choose the top hat.
"Top hats were worn by rich and successful men.
"But also by villains ...
"And for magicians it is part of the act ...
"And what better celebration of the top hat than a movie featuring the ultimate dance pair of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers:
"They also go well with music icons
"Now well adorned with this timeless headwear, we will tip our top hat to @ajgoal."
"Top hats were worn by rich and successful men.
"But also by villains ...
"And for magicians it is part of the act ...
"And what better celebration of the top hat than a movie featuring the ultimate dance pair of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers:
"They also go well with music icons
"Now well adorned with this timeless headwear, we will tip our top hat to @ajgoal."