Played for a couple hours today
- the poke check problem isn't nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be. its kind of refreshing in fact. just don't spam the button
- the menus are atrocious to navigate
- 6v6 in EASHL is 10x more fun than last year but still an absolute shit show
- hitting is so much better than last year
- it feels like skill points matter more now. my power forward couldn't make ridiculous behind the back passes that only playmakers should be able to
- the puck is much more "free". it will loosen up from a player (but he could recover) if you even get near them. I definitely prefer this to having to spam poke check all the time
- the skaters can make much quicker turns and be more elusive, which at first I thought would make defending them a nightmare, but the new defense mechanics actually make it a pretty enjoyable challenge
- the "voicelines" after scoring and hitting isn't a bad idea, but it sounds absolutely ridiculous
- "hockey bag" idea is a fun reward
Haven't played against any AI yet, thats what I'm nervous about
I'm really hoping they add some seasonal or event stuff like other games do for the "world of chel". It would be fun to unlock Haloween, Christmas, etc. themed stuff. Give me a reason to keep playing
I always get these games but hate EA, but I will say this one made some actual good improvements to game play in my experience so far
That said, NHL is still years behind the other sports franchises