tl/dr; Harping on Quinn for needing a sweeter offer to steal him from his dream job is asinine. 2. Quinn is a great choice and right coach at the right time; period.
All I'll say is this:
Denigrating Quinn for having a passion, love and commitment for what is his dream job, and requiring a can't say no offer in order to steal him away, is asinine. He's human. He's not greedy nor selfish. All things equal, with their initial offer to him, he simply found it to not be enough to take him away from a role he's worked his career for and considered his dream job. So what. I can totally relate to that. But the Rangers wanted him, believed in him, and that commitment to him, confidence in him, combined with their raised offer, and he had to bite. He snatched it up. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever and it happens every day in every field and every company. Get over it.
Second; and I can't be more blunt about this to the Rangers faithful. Quinn is the right coach for this team at the right time; period. Stop being so cynical and negative. Times are changing here, and it was a rough season. It still hurts to know how it went, who we lost, and how up in the air everything is. Will we turn it around where we're instantly competitive next season? Ehh, who knows. I absolutely can't stand seeing us not be good and don't wanna wait another season or two, but that's not really up to me. What matters is we head in the right direction and make the best moves we can. I'm hoping they do the right things this offseason, and that even if we're not a playoff bound team next year, that we at least compete with heart and character.
But Quinn will help us get there. He's gonna do great with these kids and prospects and I think he will be very well respected in the locker room. Like I said, so much is changing, we feel so up in the air and destabilized. Our whole team blew up last season. And it sucks, but it is what it is. All we can do now is support the future with all our hearts, to continue being the best fans we can be, and standing behind our team and bleeding blue like we always do.
But have faith my fellow blue bloods. Don't be down on Quinn. He's gonna do a great job for us, you'll see. I promise you this. He IS the right coach and they made the right pick. I saw some earlier in this thread wanting Laviolette. Christ no. Thank god no. Keep him as far away from us as possible lol. But thankfully they chose wisely. Though I would've preferred Montgomery, Quinn is still a great choice and should be welcomed with open arms.
Ok, long winded post over lol.