I mean, you can really tell that you don't have any experience in the area. Considering mostly everyone who has experience living there disagrees with you, that should say something.
I've also been to Tarrytown multiple times and it is itself not a cheap area to live. Moreover, if you are proposing them building an arena nearby, I can almost guarantee it will attract less fans than Hartford. It is not an easy place to get to.
There is a reason teams setup in smaller cities like Hartford. It makes sense to have an AHL team there. The poor condition of the team has to do with management, not fans showing up.
(a) Hank has one hour and 2 minutes to Tarrytown right now. You can live in Kingston or Poughkeepsie and get there faster.
(b) I am not proposing that they build an arena there. The Chelsea Pier comment was more for the sake of the argument.
What I am proposing is that -- to get an upgrade -- they do not have to find a perfect state of the art AHL facility and draw a 6-7k crowd. It can't get any worse than the situation in HFD right now. The hockey community there just don't really like the team, they aren't Ranger fans and they are bitter about losing the Whalers and don't want act like they are compensated with an AHL team. If they by any chance stumble into the arena, there is absolutely no atmosphere what-so-ever. What is a hockey game without a crowd?
The Wolf Pack draws a 3k crowd to the games according to the records, and that is at the bottom of the league. I have several times seen remarks from people going to the games that the real attendance must be much lower. When you see games from XL Center the crowd just looks totally lost and seldom seem to constitute of more than 1,000-1,500 at the most. Its the old trick of giving tickets away and count the receivers as people attending the game.
Just find a place located in an area with a ranger fan base. They had hybris when they moved to HFD, thought they would draw a 10-15k crowd, instead they are
persona non grata. I've played in several smaller rinks with crowds of 2-3k, the atmosphere can be awesome, and with a packed arena the noise level is always higher the smaller the arena is. In a 15-20k house you cannot quite get the same atmosphere, the building is just too big.
Start from scratch
and start small. The state of the art AHL facility should apply to coaching and training facilities. The arena and team should somewhat be on hometurf, where you get some kind of support form the home crowd. If that crowd is 1,500 die hard ranger fans cramped into a small building to watch our prospects -- I would certainly prefer it over 3k lost souls in HFD.
(c) The poor conditions can and will certainly affect the poor performance. Players can't wait to get out of there. You need a home crowd to play infront of every now and then. These guys are only human.