Okay, so now 1 dude from Vancouver and 1 random HF poster.... must be a fact.
I'm pretty sure AfroThunder396 doesn't speak for all Devil fans nor does he speak for the Devils organization, but I guess I could be wrong
You are being ridiculous with the strawman. First, you insinuated I lied. When I showed you proof that I didn't, now you are going to strawman and falsely accuse me of saying that view is representative of the entire NJ fanbase, something which I never claimed?
It's not my hot take. I have seen this mentioned on the NJ sub so at least some in your fanbase feel this way.
This was my original comment. I said "some", not "all". I did see his comment posted on your sub, which led me to think that "some" in your fanbase feel this way. I never said or implied that your entire fanbase felt that Zacha shouldn't be qualified.
Okay, so now 1 dude from Vancouver and 1 random HF poster.... must be a fact.
It's a "fact" that a fan posted on your boards with that opinion. Oh, and you are also a "random poster" and your opinion doesn't trump his.
I'm pretty sure AfroThunder396 doesn't speak for all Devil fans nor does he speak for the Devils organization, but I guess I could be wrong
Strawman when it's something I never claimed. Trying to be snarky when you don't understand basic logic doesn't make you look smart here.
Please learn to actually debate without resorting to fallacies like personal attacks (accusing I lied when I didn't) and strawman ( trying to refute an argument by replacing the subject).