I like to have a good discussion with fans of other teams and talk hockey in general. My teams players can have faults that can be pointed out in civil discussion just like any other fans team. I can praise their goods players and them mine again in civil discussion. My step brother is hardcore Habs fan but he can say "man Leafs are doing good, that signing was a great pickup they are scary this year" While also giving rational criticism of the Habs. With me doing the same in return, it's a nice conversation.
But unfortunately the older I get and the more places/people I talk hockey, I notice as soon as the Leafs are involved people become siths and deal in absolutes. Either Leafs suck or I am a delusional homer plan the parade. Peoples head go firmly up their butts talking about the Leafs, and its just annoying. I'd rather put 99% of the posters on ignore if it means the last 20 of us can have a good talk without the flood of ignorance and trolls.