Oh boy.
It's risky but Rose was a good player last season. He's played on great teams in the past. It's a big upgrade at a very important position.
I like the deal they got him for scraps and while Lopez was good I think theyŕe happy to get out of that contract...They still have 30M for free agency too and if Rose can stay healthy this is a steal and word is he wanted to play here
Rose is also a free agent after next season.
I don't see what Rose acquisition achieves.
If he plays well, the Knicka have their best PG in years. If he sucks, the Knicks have $15 million more in cap space than if the still had Lopez and Grant.
Rose is also a free agent after next season.
I don't see what Rose acquisition achieves.
PG with health issues. Even if he stays healthy Knicks go from a 32-win team to 42-45. That's #7 or #8 seed. Then he walks for nothing.
$22M cap space after that season? make a go for Lebron James? If he could win in New York, forget that this is a great city to win in, that would be quite the accomplishment on its own. Like winning the Kentucky Derby riding a goat.
And the Knicks have no commitment to him. They also have space to get a big man. It's a risk, but a team with Rose on it has more attraction than Lopez and Grant. They can add a Horford this off-season.
Rose is a terrible idea.
It's really not. Lopez sucks. His contract is off the books. Worst case scenario, Rose blows and they have way more cap space than originally. Best case scneario, he plays up to his potential, stays healthy and the Knicks get into the playoffs with him, Melo and KP.
Really this is as win-win a trade as you can have. The knicks got him for literally almost nothing. I was actually shocked when I saw just how little they gave up.