I don't know. If not I see him starting next year in White Plains because most people don't think he is NBA ready. Smith would've been a much better pick. I am almost 40 and it really dawned on me tonight that I am probably going to shuffle off from this mortal coil without ever seeing a Knicks championship.
Kind of funny you say this SabreMike about the liklehood of you will never see a Knicks title in your lifetime as I had this same exact conversation with a buddy of mine about all the teams I root for.,
My bud is a NY Giants, Yankee, Knicks and Ranger fan whereas I am a NY Jets,Mets,Knicks and Rangers fan and we are both same age...55.
So far since both of us have become sports fans which was at 8 years old, so we are talking 1970 since we both watched our first Super Bowls which was the Vikings vs Chiefs, here's the tally in championships for both of us for our respective teams that we actually remember and followed.
I honestly don't recall the Knicks beating the Lakers in '69 nor do I recall the Jets beating the Colts in the Super Bowl so I'm not counting that for me. On other hand for some reason I do recall running home from elementary school a bunch of times to watch the Mets WS games vs the Orioles so I will count that for me.
So here's the tally for the both of us and we just talked about this the past weekend while playing golf.
I have 2 Mets WS wins, No Jets SB's, 1 Rangers Cup and 1 Knicks NBA championship in '73 which I do remember. So that's a total of only 4 titles for my teams since 1970 in all 4 sports which is *** pathetic I know.
My buddy has 7 Yankee WS wins....4 NY Giants SB win, a Rangers Cup and a Knicks NBA championship for his teams since 1970 in all 4 sports for a total of 13 which obviously is a heck of alot less suffering than I have gone thru.
When we both talked about the future prospects for titles before our time on this earth ends(we both gave ourselves generously another 30 years till the age of 85), here's what we came up with.
I said for the next 30 years there will be no Knicks titles, no Jets SB's. I gave myself one Mets WS title and one more Rangers Cup win before I kick the bucket for a total of 2 more parades. That is so pathetic I can't even tell ya. In my hopefully 85 years on earth to likely have only gone to 2 parades so far('86 Mets and '94 Rangers) and if the gods shine on me to maybe go to two more for all my 4 teams is beyond pathetic.
My buddy on the other hand for next 30 years gave himself no Knicks titles as did I, 3 more NY Giant SB's which I actually think is on the low side, one more Cup as I did and 4 more Yankee WS wins which also sounds low for a total of 7 more parades to go to.
Moral of the story...why didn't my Dad like the Yankees instead of the Brooklyn Dodgers which became the Mets and why did he like Joe Namath so much, he gave up on the NY Giants?. The Knicks? There is no excuse for...just a disgrace that this this team has no championships in 42 years and likely won't win another for another 30 or so. The Rangers? I have hope for..alot more than the Knicks....lol