Wow. I think this one will claim top prize
Yea...It was kind of tramatic. I wrote about it a few years ago. I have to find the thumb drive I stored it on. I will post the entire thing. The entire situation was sureal.
Here it is. Enjoy my horror.
1998 I was sitting in the box my family has had for years, Section 104 row 1. I was with a friend of mine, we got there very early for the pre-game skate etc.. This older Gentlemen kept walking past the box checking me out, never stopping & kept walking, My friend & I thought it was rather odd. After the 5th or 6th time I said something to the guy, I don't remember what I said to him, but I was polite.
About 15 mins later one of the MSG security guards ask me to come with him, so I did. They took me to this back room in MSG & locked me in this office. The elevator ride & walk to this back room was so cool, because in the halls I was walking through the walls were decorated with all sorts of MSG memorabilia, stuff that I had seen on TV a few times during interviews, so I was just kind of awestruck taking it all in. So we get to this two-room connecting office where there were these two people, guy & a real beat up looking Women, I mean this lady was horrendous looking, they both claimed to be NYPD, but never showed me any ID. Now keep in mind I have no idea why I have been taken out of the crowd, I knew it was something serious because if I had won something or was going to compete in some type of in-between periods competition an MSG PR rep would have just asked me while I was in my seats.
So they start asking me a bunch of questions when was the last game I came too, who is my Favorite Ranger etc.. but would not explain to me why I was there.I answer there questions not really knowing what they are getting at. Then they proceed to tell me that they know what I did & have me on Videotape & I should just confess. I had NO idea what they were talking about. They tried every form of intimidation to get me to Admit to a theft & an assault that Apparently happened at MSG recently, I never got an exact date so I don't know if I was really there.Apparently, the old guy who kept walking past me was the victim & Fingered me as the assailant.
Now keep in mind, i've never been in any trouble a day in my life, outside of the occasional traffic violation.
So I'm like look I've no idea what you are talking about & if there is a tape bring it in & let's see it. The guy who did most of the talking just kept saying we don't have to show you anything, we have you on several felonies, you are going away for a long time, you & your green haired Girlfriend, The chick I was with did have some green in her hair.
I'll never forget the guy said to me you think your a tough guy huh? I bet you got you're IROC Z28 parked on 8th ave by the post office. I looked at him & just burst into laughter because the way he said it with like jealousy, I replied I would never drive such a car. At the time I was driving a Cadillac. A very NICE Cadillac.
So Now I'm just taking the whole Both "Cops" are doing there best to sweat a confession out of me, I'm missing the game. So I said look if you are gonna arrest me just do it so I can get my lawsuit against you & MSG going than I pulled out a blow pop & opened it up. There was just this look of stunned silence on both of there faces. So I;m sucking on this blow pope sitting on the couch in the room, the couch was very sunken in & the guy who between his hair height & actual height had about a foot over me & is sitting on the edge of the desk in what can would be a power position, I'm just all comfy on the couch legs crossed, I noticed that there was duffel bag with like the strap kind of hanging in the garbage & it was just annoying me, so while I'm pleading my case, sucking on a lollipop I decided this strap in the garbage pail was annoying me so much that I just had to reach over & remove it. Again I just get this stunned silence, so after about 15 seconds or so of me staring at the guy & the lady staring at each other with this confused look on there faces & the only sound coming from the room was the hum of the flourcent light blaset & me biting into a cherry Blowpop, The Lady gets up & says, were not getting anywhere, I'm going to call for a car to take him Downtown, The guy said, see we gave you a chance to cooperate now your going in the system. I replied, well then what difference does it make whether I confess or not then?
So they leave me in the room, but this time don't lock the door & i hear the guy outside talking to other MSG Security guards Laughing & going on & on how he is going go get this out of me, so I open the door he has his back to me, the 2 other guards see me standing there, & I said as loud as I could LOOK JACKOFF IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO I'M CALLING 911 FROM THIS PHONE ON THE WALL & TELL THEM I'M BEING HELD AGAINST MY WILL BY SOMEONE IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER.
I was loud enough where someone claiming to be the head of security heard me & some other guys in suits heard the commotion. in any event, I was let go & stayed for the rest of the game, I missed two periods, I was never arrested. I got a lawyer & started a suit against the Garden but never followed through on it. I did find out that the two guards that detained me were fired, & I never did find out if they were Cops or not.
I was in my early 20's when this happened, I had never experienced such a thing before, it messed me up for a while. Because I felt powerless it was like if these people wanted me to disappear they could have, For a while after that, I wouldn't go anywhere unless someone knew where I was going to be. It freaked me out.