Its gonna take a while, just take it easy man. Was your procedure laparoscopic?
Appendixes are the worst.
Mine almost burst the day after I got engaged. My stomach was a disaster and I thought it was just stress. The celebratory 4000 course dinner didn't help. I ended up spending Christmas in the Chinese wing at Lutheran Hospital.
Not one of my fonder memories.
We play Sunday. Game 1 of our new season. It's awful not being able to okay. Doctor said 6 weeks. Yuck.
It's right up there so I heard. Mind you know I know couple people that will argue that passing a kidney stone is worse.
We play Sunday. Game 1 of our new season. It's awful not being able to okay. Doctor said 6 weeks. Yuck.
Aw crap....I'm a sir....I thought u had to be 50 for that.Glad you're home and on the mend, sir. Hang in there.