Glad you are okay now. That's some scary ****!
Speaking of health issues; I'm about ready to track down my former urologist who is now retired and Colton Orr/Todd Fedoruk this guy.
I've had kidney stones my entire adult life, starting in 1998. So, I know what the pain is, I know the symptoms, and I know where to go and what to ask for. This guy had already treated me for two of them, one in late 2010 and another in early 2013. So, in late January 2016, I'm taking my daughter to school. As soon as I turn to back out of the driveway, BAM! Sharp pain in my side/back, can hardly breathe. School is a mile away. I can get her there and get back home. Best thing to do with one of these is to keep moving around and stretching. The stone just needs to move into a spot where the pain lessens. So I take the dog for a walk. Then I call my wife to get home and take me to the hospital. We get there. I'm now having the worst pain for one of these MFers in my entire life. They finally get me into a room and get painkiller into me via IV. The minute it hit, pain went away. They do a CT scan. ER doc says that he can't see anything, but has me follow up with my urologist.
He doesn't see anything either. Sends me for another test. NOTHING. At the same time, I start experiencing things that older men experience. Urologist doesn't look at them as linked. The past 2 1/2 years, haven't felt right, been easily agitated, been annoyed a bit, etc.
So, second to last week of September, I decide to take a week off FINALLY. On Wednesday, my side starts hurting. Not kidney stone pain, just an annoying pain. Finally can't take it any more and go to the ER on Saturday. Guess what, I have STONES. Follow up with a new urologist. He says they're small and I should pass them. Yeah right. Schedules me for surgery on the 28th of September. He finds a MASSIVE KIDNEY INFECTION that may have been a month away from causing me to lose my kidney or do other serious damage. Gets me on antibiotics immediately, puts a stent in to drain things (all of a sudden, I start peeing right again), and re-schedules surgery in mid-October. Guess what -- my middle aged man problem all but went away too. There was a blockage there for 2 1/2 effing YEARS! Damn retired urologist MISSED IT and refused to treat the other problem as related.
Finally the stones were removed a few weeks ago.
Finally feeling a LOT better.
Can't believe none of this was picked up in any of my physicals or blood work. Lesson - if something doesn't feel right, KEEP PUSHING! I KNEW the ED symptoms had something to do with the January 2016 incident but never forced the issue. Instead, I almost lost my damn kidney!