He choose to keep Frazier and not Nunez. Again, more power to you if you have a true inside source that has quoted to you the real details of the last trade proposal. I have no such source and am just going based off of what I read and heard.You keep the right ones.
Not Eduardo Nunez and Chance Adams.
He choose to keep Frazier and not Nunez. Again, more power to you if you have a true inside source that has quoted to you the real details of the last trade proposal. I have no such source and am just going based off of what I read and heard.
Cashman owes no apology to Yankee fans. In short order, he has assembled the youngest team in baseball, one that is one of the very best teams in baseball. His tactics are clearly working. If he chooses to hang on to a prospect that you would rather trade, his track record has earned his right to be trusted. At least to me.
Glad we got more bullpen help while our lineup still can't hit a team that literally doesn't have starting pitching.
They always hit like this when it matters. Not hitting with RISP for more than a season and a half plus a postseason isn't luck.Yeah what the team needs is another bat.
This is what they are. If they hit like this when it matters they're ****ed.
That goes for every team.
Because we all know that everything a beat reporter says must be true (after all it's on the internet). Do you believe everything Larry Brooks writes?Hmm idk because the beat reporters, are around the teams much more than you are...so yes they may not be “smarter” than you but they absolutely know more. Guys like Heymand and Sherman have great sources. They provide great information. They arent making **** up. It is what they are hearing from members of teams around the league. Dont come in here and make stupid claims like “they arent any smarter”, it just sounds like the easy way out of an argument
Actually Frazier was the piece he was most willing to part with.
This isn't coming from the Yankees end so I don't know how valid that is, but I do know that it was one of him or Adams and not both.
Nunez kept them from getting Cliff Lee in 2010. The original deal had David Adams in it but he failed his physical (ankle injury) and Seattle asked for Nunez.
No one is saying that Cashman sucks and has been bad, but he isn't above criticism. He completely blew it with Cole.
Yankees have lost 2 series since May 25th,both to Tampa.Baseball is a funny sport.
No, he didn't blow it with Cole. Huntington wanted Torres and wouldn't back off of him.
He didn't blow anything.
Maybe he was and maybe he wasn't. You are essentially saying that he prioritized Adams over Frazier. Ok.Actually Frazier was the piece he was most willing to part with.
If you do not know how valid something is, then how do you know for an absolute fact that he refused to part with both?This isn't coming from the Yankees end so I don't know how valid that is, but I do know that it was one of him or Adams and not both.
According to you, he blew it. According to him, the price was too step. One seems to be a reaction from an outside viewpoint to the actions of the person who actually was in the room where it happened.No one is saying that Cashman sucks and has been bad, but he isn't above criticism. He completely blew it with Cole.
Maybe he was and maybe he wasn't. You are essentially saying that he prioritized Adams over Frazier. Ok.
If you do not know how valid something is, then how do you know for an absolute fact that he refused to part with both?
According to you, he blew it. According to him, the price was too step. One seems to be a reaction from an outside viewpoint to the actions of the person who actually was in the room where it happened.
Cashman clearly felt that the asking price was what he was not going to give. You are claiming he blew it. Not sure what makes your viewpoint so salient. And I am not trying to insult you. He was not willing to pay what was being demanded of him. Be it doubting of what a home run giving up a homer happy pitcher would do when imported into Yankee stadium, be it what he thought of the quantity or quality of the prospects demanded. Cashman has made some bad decisions before. Without knowing what truly was being offered, it is very hard to say he "blew" it.