So Tommy John himself, Dr. Jim Andrews, and one of baseballs leading developer of pitchers all say the problems begin when kids are young, yet you relate the spike to the advent of MRI.
You completely ignored my original point -- The elbow tears are ticking time bombs developed when theyre younger -- kids being micro-manged and over-coached. That's not waxing poetic about the glory days. That's a current societal trend that continues to split the country.
I mean, are you seriously denying that societal changes are not impacting the way athletes are treated, to include the coddling of pitchers, the over-development of pitchers, the malingering by pitchers, the micro-managing of pitchers?
A pitcher in 2014 is treated no different than an elementary school student. They are not allowed to make their own decisions. They have no autonomy. They go through their first 10 years of training with 10 different coaches or "experts" telling them to change this, tweak that. They've been indoctrinated by the system to think that being tough is being dumb, which we all know is certainly not the case (see
100+ years of organized sport before 2000)
Deny it all you want. The Stats, to include the spike in elbow surgeries vs shoulder surgeries, prove my point.