They should have made re-signing him last offseason a priority. If they're not offering above Nylander's cap hit percentage, they're insulting him. We've played stupid games because of this fanbase's obsession with change for change's sake, and we're finding out what the stupid prizes are.
This whole trade fiasco was also so pointless. They knew that he was going to refuse, and they didn't even really want to do it anyway, but now instead of making him feel valued, we've put this distraction in his head as we get ready for the playoffs, and fed the toxic media machine. It's the last thing Marner, this team, or re-signing efforts needed.
Letting a Marner calibre player walk is a fireable offense on its own.
The criticism has been misguided, massively exaggerated, and at many times, personal. It's sickening what people have said in here and out in the world about and to another human being. It's even more sickening when these are supposed to be fans, and they berate one of the best players that has ever worn the Leaf jersey, and direct 60 years of frustration towards him. The only position his camp has taken is wanting to be paid his proper value like everybody else. He has not been even close to the reason for the lack of playoff success.
Losing a prime aged franchise player for nothing is a massive hit to a team, especially when they don't have the pieces or management to help mitigate the impact.
Not sure what your misunderstanding of what happened in the previous negotiation has to do with anything.