Part of the reason for my ennui regarding the team is that it seems to be the same thing over and over again. I mean, is this team really any better than the Mikko- MiG- Coyle-Nino -Zucker ones, or the Koivu- Parise- Staal-Suter crowd?
We seem to be stuck in a cycle of ... not bad.... a bit better than mediocrity, but certainly not a team who has achieved anything.
By contrast, my beloved Newcastle have been abysmal, relegated to a lower league, resurrected, earned a Champions League spot, and most recently, a Cup, all in the past 10 years.
Meanwhile...we seem to be in the same place as we were 10 years ago, with our last playoff series in what, 2014?
I am simply finding it hard to get very interested in the team. The best player we have ever had appearing to be injury prone just adds to the mix of meh.