I completely forgot about Outer World's yes that and Gears 5 were excellent I do have to give full credit. The Medium was also actually okay. Still there's been just a ton of really bad or average day 1 games that got word of mouth purely through being day 1 games. I also forgot about about Bleeding Edge. I can't even say if it's good or not because nobody would touch it had like zero playerbase even on Day1.
Though maybe that's kind of a good thing it speaks to the power of services like this. I mean Falcon and the winter soldier is one of the worst shows Ive ever seen and it was like THE show while it had its run on Disney plus.
Edit: oh I've been meaning to say, I've been playing mass effect 1 on Xbox back compat and I've been blown away by the lighting I cant believe this is a 2007 console game. The shadows and lighting on characters faces is so good even in 2021.
On the flipside, I'm blown away by how bad the default film grain is. I'm actually wondering if this game was developed on CRT monitors or something and it looks different with those displays because I can't imagine thinking that actually looks good on a HD TV