trippyime said:
That's half the reason I changed the pic to her. I figure I can get away with a few more antagonistic posts during the Olympics because people won't notice as much!
Yeah, thats pretty lame...but effective. You know the moderators are going to be on this one pretty quick.
Before they lock it for complete crap (although this is probably one of the more intelligent threads I've read for a bit-apart from the boobs), I really want you to post directly after the guy with the Scotty Bowman pic so he is totally looking down her cleavage. Just thought it would be a laugh...(not to disgrace two world class people in their own right).
Now to be completely serious, there is a lot of crap ripping people about what they say, how the players play, how the coaches do their job. If we knew it all, we would be there, not throwing remotes at the TV and renouncing our citizenships.
As I see it, Canada was never really successful at international competition regarding hockey. This is not a gold medal certainty for us (never was). We need to WIN it, and it is obviously not an easy thing. I am amazed however how much some of these 'lesser' countries has caught up to us.
I made a point about the trap in a different thread, in that the other contries do what they need to compete with us (the NHL). The are now great at it, but we have disposed of it. We have scorers who never flourished in it (aka Team Canada) that now must face it. The irony is too much...
Sorry for ranting, but I know I speak the truth. If this has not been a wake up call in the last 48 hours, the bronze is not even a possibility.
and BTW...Millions Livio...never stole your name...looks like you have been here much before me, and keep up the good posts (even if the only takes you 13 seconds to post vs. my Moby Dick 1000 pagers). Just feel that I need to get some truth into the mix rather than baseless emotion...